Sunday, January 29, 2006

Star Wars Universe Miniatures

I never thought I would delve this deeply this quickly in the miniature business. I must say, IMHO, these things look great. The first miniatures they out out were for D&D and just didn't do much for me. The last few years the sets for both D&D and Star Wars have gotten better. Star Wars Universe is the latest set of miniatures put out by WotC for Star Wars. They are for the Star Wars CMG. Here are images of some of the miniatures.

You can look at the images for the entire set by going here. I have many of the miniatures either up for sale on Ebay or on my shelves if anybody is interested in them. Let me know what you think of them or the miniatures game they are for.


Blogger CeltiaSkye said...

No Ewoks? Darn! :)

Mon Jan 30, 09:09:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Oz said...

They all got fed to the rancor! [EG]

Mon Jan 30, 10:28:00 PM 2006  

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