Tuesday, April 11, 2006

New WotC releases for Dungeons and Dragons

WotC has released several new books for D&D in the last couple of weeks. The 2 from last month are Tome of Magic: Pact, Shadow & Truename magic and Power of Faerun.

There are 3 releases hot off the presses for this month. The first is Complete Psionic. Next is Voyage of the Golden Dragon which is for the Eberron campaign setting. Lastly, they have another of their Fantastic Locations supplements, Fields of Ruin which is designed primarily for the D&D miniatures game but is also a stand alone RPG adventure. If you are interested in miniatures from the new War Drums set or any of the other sets, let me know as I have a large selection to pick from.

I also have all of the above mentioned books in stock if anybody is interested in them. I'm planning on posting reviews of most of the above in the next week or so.


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