Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Corporation standing up for property rights!

I heard about this earlier today and found it very heartening that a mega corp would stand for something other than profit. In a press release issued by the bank, BB&T Chairman and Chief Executive Officer John Allison, said, "The idea that a citizen's property can be taken by the government solely for private use is extremely misguided, in fact it's just plain wrong. One of the most basic rights of every citizen is to keep what they own. As an institution dedicated to helping our clients achieve economic success and financial security, we won't help any entity or company that would undermine that mission and threaten the hard-earned American dream of property ownership." For the full article go here.

If more companies acted as socially responsible as they did, there would be a lot less need for government interference.

I give this company an "Uncommon Sense Rating" of 8.


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