Monday, May 28, 2007

Attack cat

Kitten claws are sharp. I believe he could kill a 1st level commoner and maybe even a 1st level wizard if he caught him by surprise.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Ziggurat Con

Where is the World's First War Zone Game Convention? Ziggurat Con may well be it. It is being held June 9 from 1200 to 2100 hours at Camp Adder/Tallil Airbase, is open to all allied military personnel and civilian contractors in Iraq.

"The Con's historical landmark "mascot" -- the Ziggurat that gives the Con its name -- can be found on the post, and hails from the ancient city of Ur. Nearby is the house where it is believed that Abraham (a large figure in the Bible, the Koran and the Torah) was born. Cool digs for a Con -- if not for the fact that there's a war going on. Amberson, however, emphasized the need for soldiers to relax and kick back with enjoyable activities from time to time."

The largest problem with running a Con in Iraq, of course, is that there are no local stores or game publishers, and few game books on the post. Even dice are in short supply, with many soldiers breaking the unwritten taboo held by many gamers and (gasp!) sharing dice. Thankfully, many game publishers have also lent their support, and have agreed to supply game products to help the Con along. aethereal FORGE, Sovereign Press, Final Redoubt Press, Goodman Games, Paizo Publishing and Steve Jackson Games are among those that have thrown in their support for the convention. But Amberson indicated that the soldiers could definitely use more.

I'm going to send some game supplies out to these guys early this week so if anybody has a donation to make let me know ASAP. Also tell your friends and make sure word gets out to anybody in the game community that might support this game con.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Star Wars RPG: Saga Edition

The official release has been moved back to the 5th of June now. Here is the a pic and the official blurb about the book.

"Wizards of the Coast releases a new edition of the Star Wars Role-Playing Game that includes content from all six films while presenting a thorough revision of the rules, making the game easier to learn. The new 288-page Star Wars Role-Playing Game: Saga Edition (MSRP $39.95) core rulebook includes new character abilities and options, a streamlined skill system, a revised combat system, new feats and Force powers, a world gazetteer, plus statistics for key characters from all six Star Wars films and the Expanded Universe."

"In addition to being the first Star Wars RPG product to include Episode III content, this new version of the Star Wars RPG is much more "miniatures friendly" than previous editions and includes a battle map and guidelines for using Star Wars miniatures in game play. The new WotC Star Wars RPG: Saga Edition is based on the Star Wars Role-Playing Game Revised Core Rulebook that WotC published in 2002."

I think that by "miniatures friendly" they mean "you really need to buy our miniatures and increase our profits" but that is just me. By the way, I have plenty of these ordered and lots of miniatures from most of the Star Wars and D&D sets if you need to pick some up.

Paladins! Eeck!

I think one of those was my high school geometry teacher.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Quote of the Week Answer

Since there have been no guesses posted and This Quote of the Week was put up over 2 months ago, the answer is: Tao of Jeet Kune Do by Bruce Lee on page 20. Here are a few more of my favorites from the Tao of Jeet Kune Do:

"Truth has no path. Truth is living and, therefore, changing."

"Relationship is understanding. It is a process of self-revelation. Relationship is the mirror in which you discover yourself - to be is to be related."

"The art of Jeet Kune Do is simply to simplify."

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