Wednesday, October 26, 2005


I have received several comments about the dragon logo in my Spreadshirt shop. That isn't my actual logo. While it is quite cool, it is just a design that they have for anybody to use on their site. The person that is doing my real logo, Patrick Keith, has a website here. Both he and his wife are artists. I met them at GenCon and after talking to him for a bit I decided he was who I wanted to do my logo. He just finished a CCG art project earlier this month. Earlier this week he sent me a draft that is very close to what I want and will hopefully have it finished in the near future. Please check out his site.

Monday, October 24, 2005

IDIOTS! IDIOTS! Everywhere.

I generally don't discuss religion much but I saw something that made me think "Christ, can't you do something about so many of your followers being IDIOTS." Mallard Fillmore is not a comic strip I read often because it has a very right wing content. Well I made the mistake of looking at it today. Here it is:
I'm don't know where he gets his information on such things but Samhain was celebrated long before the birth of christ. I suppose the next thing he will tell us is that Christians came up with the Yule holiday.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Prozac ad

There is an advertisement for Prozac here that I find very convincing.

Monday, October 17, 2005

At first glance... What were they thinking

I saw these posted by Captain Corruption and had to share them. They aren't what they might seem to be at first glance. What a first impression they give.
"Uncommon sense" factor = 2
"Uncommon sense" factor = 1
"Uncommon sense" factor = 3
"Uncommon sense" factor = 2

I wonder if anybody at these organizations have actually looked at their name and thought about how it appears. These people need a healthy dose of "Uncommon sense". I say "Uncommon sense" because while it may have been common at one time, it certainly isn't common anymore.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Open for Business!

I got my first shipment in today. I already have about half a dozen books that people want to get from me next time I put in an order. Hot Damn! I'm finally starting to make a little money at this venture. I can order products from all the major (Wotc, white wolf, Steve Jackson games, etc.) and most of the minor (Green Ronin, Atlas games, pagan press, etc. ) game companies as well as companies like Hasbro for board games, Chessex for dice, Games workshop and Reaper for miniatures, Upper Deck for various card supplies and Cheapass games for off the wall stuff. I also got a shop opened at a place called Spread shirt (my store is Here so please browse and buy often) that does print on demand shirts, sweat shirts, etc. The products are a little more expensive than at Cafepress but the quality is a bit higher from some of the reviews I've seen and cafepress doesn't have black shirts so virtually none of my primary patrons would buy anything from them, gamers own far to many black shirts, myself included. I will be sending out a spam to all my friends that might need gaming stuff in the next day or two to let them know "I'm open for busines". If there is anything anybody wants me to order for them let me know. I have a catalog you can look at as well.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Good joke

One night, George W. Bush is tossing restlessly in his White House bed. He awakens to see George Washington standing by him. Bush asks him, "George, what's the best thing I can do to help the country?" "Set an honest and honorable example, just as I did," Washington advises, and then fades away.

The next night, Bush is astir again, and sees the ghost of Thomas Jefferson moving through the darkened bedroom. Bush calls out, "Tom, please! What is the best thing I can do to help the country?" "Respect the Constitution, as I did," Jefferson advises, and dims from sight.

The third night sleep still does not come for Bush. He awakens to see the ghost of FDR hovering over his bed. Bush whispers, "Franklin, What is the best thing I can do to help the country?" "Help the less fortunate, just as I did," FDR replies and fades into the mist.

Bush isn't sleeping well the fourth night when he sees another figure moving in the shadows. It is the ghost of Abraham Lincoln. Bush pleads, "Abe, what is the best thing I can do right now to help the country?" Lincoln replies, "Go see a play."

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Misadventures in life

Last night when I got home from working for Dennis dealing cards I was robbed at gun point. I pulled up outside my house and a car came up beside me with two guys in it. The passenger put a gun out the window and told me to not try anything, drop my wallet on the street and start walking. I walked about a car length to the end of Jeani's truck and ducked behind it as they backed up and headed down Wallace to 10th. I called 911 on my cell phone and a cop was here within 5 minutes and another one just a couple minutes later. I spent about an hour with the second guy going over what happened trying to get every detail I could come up with for them. As it turns out there were two other reports of guys in a red car approaching people at ATM's that fit the description I gave the cops. I had about $50 and 4 credit cards in my wallet along with misc stuff like drivers license, pictures, library card, etc. I spent awhile finding the phone numbers and getting all the cards cancelled. The only one that really pisses me off is that one was going to be my business card which I've only had for about a month. So I now have to change the card number with the places that I already have submitted that as a payment option. GODS!

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