Monday, October 24, 2005

IDIOTS! IDIOTS! Everywhere.

I generally don't discuss religion much but I saw something that made me think "Christ, can't you do something about so many of your followers being IDIOTS." Mallard Fillmore is not a comic strip I read often because it has a very right wing content. Well I made the mistake of looking at it today. Here it is:
I'm don't know where he gets his information on such things but Samhain was celebrated long before the birth of christ. I suppose the next thing he will tell us is that Christians came up with the Yule holiday.


Blogger Oz said...

I saw this also. I am debating whether to write the author.

Mon Oct 24, 05:33:00 PM 2005  
Blogger CeltiaSkye said...

Technically Halloween began as a Christian holiday: All Hallows Eve. We'll just conveniently forget the fact that the church placed it on that day to take over from the Pagan holiday.

And BTW, what kid would want to dress up as an angel for Halloween anyway?

Tue Oct 25, 12:43:00 PM 2005  

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