I was contacted by somebody at ACD distributors and he actually did what he said he was going to do. I received their catalog and account paper work today so I should be able to order product from them in very short order. I also might have a solution for the "store front" issue with Alliance. It involves the the company that I'm working for part time to make a little cash, Elite Casino Productions. I will be sending out an emal notice after I have talked to my rep at ACD to let ever gamer I know that they need to buy from since I'm that local game store now. The rep, Matt, seemed really cool. When he called me to get my company info, I talked to him for about 40 or 45 minutes. Only about half the time was it really business releated. he told me about some new stuff that a few of the smaller companies are coming out with. We discussed the pros and cons of having GenCon in your backyard, they are in Madison, WI. He also told me why Alliance would not, I strongly suspect, do business with me. WotC does not allow their distibutors to sell WotC stuff to anybody that doesn't do a minimum of 75% of their business in a store front. Alliance just doesn't bother if you don't have the store front where ACD can still sell me stuff from dozens of other companies.
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