Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Gargantuan Blue Dragon

The next in WotC line of Iconic Dragons came out a couple of weeks ago and here it is.

It retails for $40 but is very well done. I have a couple in stock if anybody would like to pick you up.

Quote of the week (day or month or whatever)

Here is the quote.

"My dear doctor, I believe in coincidences, I just don't trust them."

For this I want not only the show but the character that made the statement. Good luck.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Complete Scoundrel

The Complete Scoundrel is in and after a brief once over, IMHO, it is definitely worth getting. Here is the official description:

Fair Fights are for Suckers

In a world filled with monsters and villains, a little deception and boldness goes a long way. You know how to take advantage of every situation, and you don’t mind getting your hands dirty. Take the gloves off? Ha! You never put them on. You infuriate your foes and amaze your allies with your ingenuity, resourcefulness, and style. For you, every new predicament is an opportunity in disguise, and with each sweet victory your notoriety grows. That is how legends are made.

I have several in stock and will probably have to order more. I think this is going to be a very popular book. I will give a more detailed review in the next few days.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Shirt sale!

Spreadshirt is offering free shipping on all order of $15 or more until the end of the month. You can see what shirts I have available by going Here. If you have a design you want on a shirt and don't see it on my list let me and I can get it listed.

Saturday, January 06, 2007


Where was she before I started seeing my wife.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Kindergarten or Indotrinization

OH MY GODS! What are they trying to do to these kids? The following is an except from This article.

"Nowhere are the demands greater than at Achievement First East New York Charter School in Brooklyn, which holds classes through this month. On a recent Friday morning, 20 kindergartners in uniforms of yellow shirts and blue jumpers or shorts, many yawning and rubbing their eyes, filed into the classroom of Keisha Rattray and Luis Gonzalez. Some sat in plastic chairs lined up before the teachers for phonics and grammar drills, while others sat at computer screens, listening through headphones to similar exercises.

The classroom has no blocks, dress-up corners or play kitchens. There is no time for show and tell, naps or recess. There is homework every night. For much of the day, the children are asked to sit quietly with their hands folded as their teachers drill them in phonics, punctuation and arithmetic."

I'm the father of a nearly 3 year old daughter and I can't imagine putting her in that kind of class room setting. I certainly want my daughter to be well educated but not by destroying all of her creativity. Please read the full article and let me know what you think of it.

Happy New Year!

I hope everybody had a safe and enjoyable New Years eve.

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