Monday, January 30, 2006

You want Ewoks?

There seems to be some concern about the lack of Ewoks in the Star Wars Universe miniature set from my last post. Fear not, for they do exist in an older set. They appear in the Rebel Storm set #45.
And before anybody gets teary eyed over the seeming lack of gunguns there are a couple of them in the Clone Strike set. Unfortunately, Jar Jar A.K.A "He Who Should Not Be" isn't among them. Here they are:

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Star Wars Universe Miniatures

I never thought I would delve this deeply this quickly in the miniature business. I must say, IMHO, these things look great. The first miniatures they out out were for D&D and just didn't do much for me. The last few years the sets for both D&D and Star Wars have gotten better. Star Wars Universe is the latest set of miniatures put out by WotC for Star Wars. They are for the Star Wars CMG. Here are images of some of the miniatures.

You can look at the images for the entire set by going here. I have many of the miniatures either up for sale on Ebay or on my shelves if anybody is interested in them. Let me know what you think of them or the miniatures game they are for.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Player's Guide to Eberron Review

This book was officailly released for sale last Tuesday. Here is the blurb from WotC.

"The Player's Guide to Eberron contains everything a player needs to know about the Eberron campaign setting. Presenting information in an innovative spread format, this comprehensive gazetteer covers key topics a character should know about, from Aerenal to Zilargo, house politics to the Last War, dragons to the Lords of Dust, without revealing information meant for Dungeon Masters only. New feats, prestige classes, magic items, and spells are included in the relevant entries."

The Good:
The Player's Guide to Eberron is well laid out and provides a fair amount of information in its "officially" 160 pages. The art is work is pretty good especially the scenes in the front of the book. The information on each region of Eberron is well thought out for usefulness and could be adapted to most fit in many campaign worlds.

The Bad:
The new feats, prestige clases, magic items and spells are only listed in the regional section in which they are "associated". They did put them in the index so you have a way of looking them up without needing to flip through the entire book. Lastly, so it's "officially" 160 pages but the 3 of the first 6 pages are full page artwork and the last 3 pages are nothing but WotC advertisements. The art is pretty cool but most of the description sections about each area aren't over 3-4 pages.

The Unsure:
Eberron campaigns will certainly get the most out of this book.

Overall, IMHO, this is a good product if you are in the Eberron world. If you are building your own world it might be worth a look to get some ideas for or just simply use parts of for your campaign. As always I welcome your comments on this book.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

New releases from WotC

There were two new releases this week from WotC. The first is The Player's Guide to Eberron and the other is Races of the Dragon. I picked up a few copies of each if anybody would like one. I will be posting a review of each in the next day or two.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

You're not to late for De-Lurking week

You're not to late for De-Lurking week around here. It may have "officially" been last week but so what. I may be a little late but who cares, do you. If so "say" something already. If not "say" something anyway. Yeah, YOU.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


This is what happens when Batman takes Sun Tzu too literal about "knowing your enemy" and goes over the deep end. Or perhaps he just had a really bad encounter with a member of the Cthulhu Mythos. You can decide for yourself. Make sure your speakers are on for the full effect.

Champions of Ruin Review

This is a book that has been out for about 7-8 months. Here is the blurb from WotC.

"Every corner of Faerûn harbors its own sinister element. When opportunities arise, malevolent groups and nefarious individuals emerge from the shadows to make their infamous marks on the Realms. Within these pages, you will discover everything players and Dungeon Masters need to create the most evil organizations, treacherous villains, and morally ambiguous antiheroes to ever afflict the Forgotten Realms game setting."

The Good:
The Champions of Ruin takes some of the really bad, evil, nasty and down right sinister groups from Forgotten Realms and details how to fit them into a campaign. Some of the spells and feats in here are very nice. This is a great book for GM's to use to torment players. Taking groups or individuals out of here it put into non-Realms campaigns is fairly easy. There is also a nice section on evil locations that could easily be adapted to most any campaign.

The Bad:
It's WotC, so of course they had to add new races (because we all know there aren't enough to pick from as it is) in this book. The only one that I didn't mind was the Draegloth write up. Purely as an NPC race it has some merit. It would have been nice if they would have gone a little more indepth on some of the areas they covered but there is only so much room and they generaly try to leave something for the individual campaigns to fill in for themselves.

The Unsure:
You really need Lords of Darkness to get the most out of this book.

Overall, IMHO, this is a good product for GM's (more then for PC's) which can allow them to introduce new evil groups or sites quickly. I like the cover art quite a lot. I welcome your comments on this book.

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